Slapstick! is a live-action/animated hybrid series produced by Mad Man Ninja Pictures, blending comedy, horror, and action. The series follows Steve Harmon, a failed comedian who is transformed into the chaotic and unpredictable Slapstick, voiced by Andy Samberg. Now an animated figure with cartoonish powers, Slapstick must confront absurd interdimensional threats that defy logic and reality. Under the direction of showrunner Edgar Wright, the series combines wild, animated humor with the gritty reality of live-action characters, creating a dynamic, fast-paced narrative, where the title character is animated while the other characters exist in the real world. Slapstick's outlandish behavior and bizarre escapades are central to the series as he inadvertently becomes the only one who can stop a looming apocalyptic event.
Each of the eight episodes dives into a new challenge, with Slapstick causing mayhem while teaming up with characters like the tough vigilante Miranda Steel and the eccentric scientist Dr. Pencilneck. The series showcases interdimensional clashes with villains like The Inker, who aims to rewrite reality itself. With Wright's unique directorial style and Samberg's energetic performance as the protagonist, Slapstick! is a thrilling mix of humor and chaos, drawing viewers into a world where the boundaries between animation and reality are irreversibly blurred.
Steve Harmon, transformed into the chaotic and destructive Slapstick, is an unlikely hero who must save the world without even knowing how. Jumping from one disaster to another, he becomes the last resort to deal with interdimensional threats that defy logic and reality. The situations escalate unpredictably, combining Slapstick's animated style with the comedic seriousness of live-action characters, resulting in total chaos. However, beneath the jokes and cartoonish action, there is a real threat that could destroy the world, and it is up to him—whether he likes it or not—to prevent that from happening.
The first season has 8 episodes, each lasting 35 minutes.
- Episode 1: "Welcome to Toonville"
Steve Harmon is sucked into another dimension during a failed comedy show, transforming into Slapstick, an animated being with exaggerated and unpredictable powers. He tries to adjust to his new body while dealing with an invasion of absurd creatures that have escaped from a dimensional prison.
- Episode 2: "Dimensional Mishap"
After wreaking havoc across the city, Slapstick meets an eccentric mentor named Dr. Pencilneck (played by Guillaume Canet), an interdimensional scientist who studies anomalies in the fabric of reality. Pencilneck reveals that Slapstick is the key to preventing more creatures from invading Earth, though it means controlling his destructive side.
- Episode 3: "Superhero for a Day"
Slapstick decides to try his hand at being a superhero, but his exaggerated and destructive style ends up annoying the local heroes. He meets Miranda Steel (played by Léa Seydoux), a tough vigilante forced to team up with him to stop an interdimensional theft of alien technology. Despite his efforts, Slapstick causes more trouble than help.
- Episode 4: "Evil Toon Takeover"
A gang of animated villains led by The Inker (played by Vincent Cassel), a dangerous criminal who uses animated art to manipulate the real world, starts turning people into caricatures and rewriting reality around them. Slapstick must stop The Inker before he turns the city into an animated dystopia.
- Episode 5: "Toon Therapy"
Slapstick is convinced by Dr. Pencilneck to undergo a therapy session to better understand his chaotic new mental state. However, the therapy is conducted by Dr. Smiley (played by Audrey Tautou), an eccentric therapist who uses animated methods to explore the subconscious of her patients. While trying to control his anger, Slapstick faces creatures from his own subconscious.
- Episode 6: "The Tooniverse War"
An interdimensional war erupts when two factions of animated beings fight for control of the Tooniverse, a dimension where the boundaries between reality and cartoons do not exist. Slapstick, along with Miranda Steel and Dr. Pencilneck, is dragged into the conflict and must find a way to restore balance before the war reaches our world.
- Episode 7: "A Day at the Carnage Circus"
Slapstick and his allies are drawn into Carnage Circus, a dimensional theme park filled with hidden dangers. Controlled by the villain Ringmaster (played by Omar Sy), the circus feeds on chaos and fear, creating an atmosphere where the laws of physics and reality no longer apply. Slapstick uses his own chaos against the terrors of the circus.
- Episode 8: "The Final Sketch"
In the final episode, Slapstick discovers that the real world and the Tooniverse are colliding irreversibly, and only he can stop the animated apocalypse. In an epic showdown with The Inker, Slapstick must find the balance between being a hero and embracing his anarchic nature, risking the fate of the entire world.
Characters and Casting[]
- Slapstick (voice): Andy Samberg
- Veda Strike: Adele Hainel
- Dr. Pencilneck: David Tennant
- The Inker: Mads Mikkelsen
- Dr. Smiley: Kristen Wiig
- Miranda Steel: Léa Seydoux
- Ringmaster: Omar Sy
Known for his work on Scott Pilgrim vs. The World and the Cornetto Trilogy, Edgar Wright is the perfect showrunner for Slapstick!. His ability to blend irreverent humor with stylized action and elements of horror makes him the ideal choice to create a chaotic and entertaining series. Wright brings his unique style of rapid editing and comedic transitions to capture the absurd and energetic spirit of the character Slapstick while maintaining a balance between frenetic action sequences and the bizarre tone of the series.
Slapstick! has received widespread acclaim from both critics and audiences alike, praised for its unique blend of animated absurdity and live-action intensity. The series has been lauded for its fresh approach to superhero humor, breaking away from the more formulaic style of traditional Marvel productions. Reviewers have highlighted the seamless integration of animation and live-action, as well as the standout performances from Andy Samberg as the voice of Slapstick and the live-action cast, including Léa Seydoux and Mads Mikkelsen. Critics have particularly praised the show's unapologetic embrace of extreme, cartoonish violence and its frenetic pacing, with Rotten Tomatoes calling it "bold, daring, and completely off-the-wall." Under Edgar Wright's direction, Slapstick! has been hailed as a refreshing and exhilarating entry into the superhero genre.
Review by Marc Silverstein, Rotten Tomatoes
Rating: 9.5/10
Slapstick! is an exhilarating ride that pushes the boundaries of what we’ve come to expect from superhero and action-comedy series. With Edgar Wright at the helm, the show brilliantly combines unrelenting, over-the-top violence with a humor that feels fresh and unpredictable—an absolute breath of fresh air compared to the formulaic humor we've often seen in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Andy Samberg’s portrayal of Slapstick is chaotic, hilarious, and completely unhinged, delivering moments of genuine absurdity that had me laughing out loud while still managing to keep the stakes incredibly high. The balance between extreme cartoonish violence and clever wit creates a spectacle that feels both outrageous and wildly entertaining.
Visually, the show is a masterpiece. Wright’s signature rapid-fire editing and seamless transitions keep the pacing relentless, and the action sequences, though brutal, are incredibly satisfying. The blend of animation and live-action is flawless, and the performances by the live-action cast, particularly Léa Seydoux as the no-nonsense Miranda Steel and Mikkelsen as the menacing Inker, perfectly complement the sheer madness that Slapstick brings to the table. Slapstick! is bold, daring, and completely off-the-wall—it’s a show that embraces its chaotic nature and runs with it, leaving viewers exhilarated and craving more.
In a recent interview with Rotten Tomatoes, Edgar Wright talks about the references and influences that inspired the series.
Rotten Tomatoes: What were some of the key influences behind the creation of Slapstick! and why did you choose to work with this particular character?
Edgar Wright: Slapstick has always fascinated me because he’s such an outlier in the Marvel Universe. He’s like a living cartoon in a world that takes itself quite seriously, and that contrast is ripe for both comedy and chaos. I’ve always been drawn to characters who break the mold and allow for a more anarchic style of storytelling. Influences for this show come from a lot of places—Who Framed Roger Rabbit, of course, but also Looney Tunes and even classic slapstick films like The Three Stooges. I wanted to push that absurdity and see how far we could take it within the context of a live-action setting. There’s also a bit of Gremlins and Evil Dead in there, as we flirt with horror but in a very playful way.
Rotten Tomatoes: It sounds like you’re balancing a lot of different genres—comedy, horror, action. How did you manage to bring all these elements together in a cohesive way?
Edgar Wright: That’s always the challenge, right? But it’s also where the fun lies. I’ve worked on projects like Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz, where mixing genres was key, so I was able to bring that experience here. The key is to ground the madness in relatable characters and situations, so even though you’ve got this outrageous character like Slapstick, he’s dealing with problems that people can still connect with—like not fitting in or trying to find purpose in a world that doesn’t make sense. The visual contrast between animation and live action gives us a lot of freedom, and the actors we’ve cast, like Mads Mikkelsen and Léa Seydoux, bring a certain gravitas that allows the humor to land without feeling too forced.
Rotten Tomatoes: Looking forward, what are your plans for the future of the show and for your own career?
Edgar Wright: I’d love to see Slapstick grow into something even bigger. We’ve built a world that’s practically begging to be explored further. There are so many directions we can take with these characters, especially when you’re dealing with interdimensional madness and absurd comedy. As for my career, I’m always looking for projects that allow me to experiment with genre and push boundaries. Whether it’s a psychological thriller or a sci-fi epic, I love diving into worlds that have their own set of rules. But I have to admit, working with Slapstick has really rekindled my love for animation and hybrid filmmaking. It’s such a unique experience, and I’m excited to see where it can go next.