Shrek 5 is a 2025 3D animated comedy action film directed by and Januel Mercado, and produced by DreamWorks Animation. This movie is a fifth and Final installment of the Shrek franchise (seventh, counting Puss in Boots movies), and the sequel to Shrek Forever Afterand Puss in Boots: The Last Wish. This film will be released on July 1st 2026 Synopsis
In the long awaited fifth chapter of Shrek's story, after receiving an invite from his siblings, Shrek, Fiona, Donkey, Puss in Boots, and the rest of their friends go for a new adventure into less known territories of the fairy tale world to meet with the ogre tribe Shrek is from. Meanwhile, on the other side of fairy tale world, a new villain called King Brutus of the Blade Kingdom emerges and joins his forces with Rumpelstiltskin and Death who gets freed by Brutus' forces, with a plan to bring a new order to the world by his armies. Now, the ogres and Far Far Away have to join their forces to protect the world from the Blade Kingdom threat.
The film begins with Shrek having visit from Donkey and his kids on his swamp, during which the two recalls the adventures they had through years, but now, as a heads of their respective families, they have their duties and unlike Puss that left Far Far Away few months earlier, they cannot leave everything back just for sake of adventure. Then, a post arrives, delivering some very interesting news. First, Puss sent a letter from Del Mar that he had enough adventures in that side of the world and comes back to Far Far Away with some new friends and for second, the letter sent from ogre's tribe. After reading this, and want to meet him personaly. After a moment of thinking, Shrek decides that after getting Puss from the harbor, he and his friends will went for a new Adventure
- Mike Myers as Shrek
- Eddie Murphy as Donkey
- Cameron Diaz as Fiona
- Antonio Banderas as Puss in Boots
- Kristen Bell as Kitty Softpaws
- Harvey Guillén as Perrito
- Keegan-Michael Key as Fergus
- Jeff Bennett as Farkle
- Halle Bailey as Felicia
- Jayma Mays as Dulcinea
- Oscar Issac as Benjamin, the youngest and only alive of Brutus' twelve sons. Now, hiding as mercenary in ogre's tribe, hoping for his father's downfall
- Daisy Ridley as Princess Enyana, the thirteenth King Brutus child and his only daughter. The heir of the Blade Kingdom's throne, and it's greatest warrior
- Walt Dohrn as Rumpelstiltskin
- Wagner as Death
- Clancy Brown as BloodWolf
- Justin Timberlake as King Arthur Pendragon
- Julie Andrews as Queen Lillian
- Conrad Vernon as Gingy
- Cody Cameron as Pinocchio / Three Little Pigs
- Aron Warner as Wolf
- Chris Miller as Magic Mirror
- Reba McEntire as Amy, a Female Dog who is Perrito’s Girlfriend
In December 2023, DreamWorks announced that Shrek 5 is indeed in works via their Twitter account, with the relase date announced on somewhere in 2026. During Cinemacon 2025, Mike Myers revealed the film's official title and synopsis, as well as its director an writers, with the information that more of cast members will be announced soon.
In September 2025, during an interview, the co-director Joel Crawford revealed that Keegan-Michael Key, Benedict Cumberbatch, Oscar Issac, Daisy Ridley and Katee Sackhoff have joined the movie cast for not yet announced roles, and that the paintery animation style from Puss in Boots: The Last Wish will be used in Like an Onion as well. He also revealed that Death cameo is possible.
On October 6th 2025, a first teaser poster for the movie was revealed along with the full cast list, and the first teaser trailer relased next day. It quickly became one of most watched movie trailers of all time, getting over 300 million views in 24 hours after it's release across all social media.
It will be the ninth DreamWorks Animation film to have it's score to be composed by Harry Gregson Williams. It is also the first DreamWorks Animation movie with score composed by him since Shrek Forever After
It will be the first Shrek movie to not have its wide release date in May.
The three new major characters, King Brutus, Princess Enyana and Benjamin, are Villians