Rainbow Space Wolves The Movie Is A 2015 2D Animated Film Created By Popjam Productions.
Eight Colourful and Bright Wolves in the Fictional Canadian Town Of Wolfville Plan an idea to go to the moon and be like Neil Armstrong. Little do they know that an evil Black wolf named "Spike" plans to Take Over The Moon, and only the Pack can stop him in this Fun Adventure!
- Jack Dylan Grazer as Cody
- Daniel Pathan as Floss
- Jacob Tremblay as Ben
- Jaxston Wall as Denvert
- Jordan Wilder as Buzz
- Rachel West as Indi
- Maxwell Glick as Vio
- Liz Fodor as Tulip
- Cristin Rivera as Amethyst
- Gina Scarpa as Aiden
- Jack Black as Spike
- Katie Brunson as Berry
Adult and Child Characters[]
- Amos Crawley as Hartmann, a NASA Employee
- Paul Dobson as Cody's Dad.
- Anna Cummer as Indi's Mum.
- Claire Corlett as Floss's Sister.
- Judy Dench as Vio's Grandad.
Student Characters[]
- Glee Dango as Misty, The Mint Student at Wolfville Elementary.
- Jack Austin as Timber, The Maroon Student at Wolfville Elementary.
- Roxton Garcia as Lad, The British and Forest Green Student.
- Hyun-jun Jung as Destiny, The Dark Indigo Student.
- Tim Whitnall as Many Unnamed Male Students.
- Marina Neil as Many Unnamed Female Students.