Movie ideas Wiki
Movie ideas Wiki
This idea is a joke.

It is a joke idea made only for fun. It is not meant to be taken seriously.

My Immortal: The Movie is a movie based on the infamous fanfiction My Immortal. it also takes elements from other notorious Harry Potter fanfictions, such as Becoming Female and Thirty Hs.


The plot is for the most part, an adaptation of My Immortal. however, it also adapts the stories of Thirty Hs, Becoming Female, Hermione' Talent, Hogwarts Exposed and Goffik Blood.


  • Whitney Moore as Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way and Britney
  • Darren Ewing as Draco Malfroy and Nevel/Dracula Longbottom
  • Alan Bagh as Harry/Vampire Potter
  • Juilete Daniel as Willow and Hermione Granger/B'loody Mary Smith
  • Michael Stephenson as Ron/Diabolo Weasley
  • Tommy Wiseau as Albert Dumblydore/Dumblecop of the Darkmeal, Severus Snap/Snapplebottom and Volxemort/Tom/Satan Bombodil/Tom Anderson
  • Deborah Reed as Doris Rumbridge/Bridge
  • Greg Sestero as Morty Mcfli and Darth Valer
  • George Hardy as Rape Ape, Rape Radbury and Remus Loopin