Title Announcement (2/6/32)[]
(The video plays a remix of Crush 40’s Live and Learn instrumental and showcases the two sides of the logo, one pink circle representing Kirby, and the other is a pink circle saturated down to -100%, making it grayscale, which represents Shadow Kirby) (The grayscale 3 shows up as the music builds up) (And the title drops down, starting with the R letter, then the I and B letters, then the K and Y letters, then the apostrophe S, then finally below the word, KIRBY’S reveals the title fully as, "Kirby’s Dream Land 3")
Shadow Kirby: (evil chuckle)
(The title pops out as a caption pops up that says "DECEMBER 2032")
Trailer (8/31/32)[]
Ribbon: Kirby, you finally found your family.
Kirby: Try to keep up.
Ribbon: (sighs) And I know it hasn’t always been easy. But you didn’t change who you are in here. (points to Kirby’s heart)
Kirby: Yeah, in my lungs.
Ribbon: Or your heart.
Kirby: Woo-hoo!
(alarm beeping)
Commander Dee: There’s been a high-level security breach.
(Shadow Kirby opens his eyes and escapes his breathable-underwater water cell by punching through the glass)
(glass shattering)
(Team Kirby are shown flying in a helicopter)
Commander Dee: And we need Team Kirby’s immediate assistance.
(The Waddle Dee agents were pointing their guns at Shadow Kirby, who is wet from the water in the cell)
Commander Dee: Project Shadow is far beyond anything we’ve ever encountered.
(Shadow Kirby disappears)
Commander Dee: Shadow Kirby’s story began a lot like yours, Kirby.
(A clip back 50 years ago with Shadow Kirby being happy with his best pal, Shadow Ribbon)
Commander Dee: While you found family and friends…
(Kirby, Bandana Dee, and King Dedede take off)
(Cuts to Shadow Kirby angrily looking at a shattered pillar)
Commander Dee: Shadow Kirby found only pain…
(Cuts to the scene of Shadow Kirby and Dark Meta Knight mourning over the loss of Shadow Kirby)
Commander Dee: …and loss.
(Team Kirby are shown inside the helicopter flying)
Kirby: Alright, we got a rogue alien on the loose. How do we find him?
(A giant fireball forms in the middle of Halcandra)
Bandana Dee: Start with the giant fireball?
Kirby: I love it! Let’s start with the giant fireball.
(Team Kirby jump out the plane Mission Impossible style and stuck the landing, and then they come across Shadow Kirby)
King Dedede: He is much more impressive than the puffball I fought previously.
Kirby: Dude! I’m standing right here.
Shadow Kirby: You’re a colorful bunch.
Kirby: We don’t wanna fight you.
King Dedede: Actually, Kirby. (whispers): I would like to fight.
Kirby: Dedede, no!
(King Dedede charges at Shadow Kirby with his hammer and Shadow Kirby teleports grabbing onto King Dedede’s hand, twisting it out of place making King Dedede scream in pain)
King Dedede: Ahhhhhhhh!!! (gets kicked away by Shadow Kirby)
Kirby: My turn.
(Shadow Kirby teleports and kicks Bandana Dee and then teleports again kicking King Dedede again then teleports again and grabs Kirby by the chin and rides him up to the sky with his Fighter ability)
Bandana Dee: Ow!
Kirby: Can we just talk about this?!
(Shadow Kirby then teleports up in the sky and grabs him by the chin again and pushes him down onto the ground with a loud thud)
Kirby: (screams)
Kirby: He’s too powerful.
(Cuts to Shadow Kirby easily taking out the Waddle Dee agents by teleporting often, he even punches Ribbon who went undercover for a plan)
Ribbon: Kirby!!!
(Cuts to a mini black hole sucking a lot of stuff and Kirby, Bandana Dee, and King Dedede are tied up)
Kirby: I can’t believe I’m saying this…
(Team Kirby approach Marx with a giant Meta-Crab robot)
Kirby: …but we need you-know-who.
Bandana Dee: This is a bad idea.
Kirby: When has that ever stopped me?
(Cuts to the inside of the giant Meta-Crab robot)
Meta Knight: (laughs maniacally) (pats his big fat pot belly, and yes he’s fat now, he also has messy hair)
Marx: Sir.
(Meta Knight screams and covers his belly)
Marx: We have visitors.
King Dedede: This is sad, Meta Knight. Even for you.
Kirby: We need your help.
Meta Knight: On one condition.
(Kirby gives a piece of his magic pink substance to Meta Knight, and he licks it again and gets shocked)
Meta Knight: Let’s…
(He grabs Marx)
Meta Knight: …DO THIS!!!
(It then cuts to Meta Knight gets his messy hair cut completely off, and now he’s back to looking like himself again)
Meta Knight: If I can’t rule the world, I might as well save it.
(He goes to the bathroom to change)
Meta Knight: I need room.
Marx: But, sir, I don’t have the proper materials.
(Meta Knight rips off a piece of Marx’s jester hat and uses that)
Meta Knight: Found some.
(It cuts to Kirby and Meta Knight coming out of a teleportation star, then to Shadow Kirby again)
Shadow Kirby: When we’re done, there won’t be anything left.
(It cuts to Shadow Kirby teleporting near Kirby whilst on a motorcycle)
Kirby: Hey, no cheat code.
(It cuts to Team Kirby running in Halcandra)
(Then we get 4 seconds of cool clips, 1 per second; it then cuts back to Kirby and Shadow Kirby)
Kirby: What did you do?
Shadow Kirby: What I had to.
(Shadow Kirby rides the motorcycle up the Halcandra Skytree and charges at Kirby in the sky with his Hi-Jump ability, Kirby also charges at Shadow Kirby also using his Hi-Jump ability)
(It cuts to a random lab with Meta Knight and someone else approaching him)
Dark Meta Knight: Welcome home, my boy.
(Meta Knight is shocked to see his grandfather)
Meta Knight: It’s impossible.
Dark Meta Knight: Is it?
Meta Knight: It couldn’t be.
Dark Meta Knight: Couldn’t it?!
Meta Knight: I…
Dark Meta Knight: Are you!?!
(Meta Knight starts leaking tears)
Meta Knight: (quietly): Pop-Pop.
Dark Meta Knight: In the saggy flesh.
(They both hug)
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