Films set to release in 2025.
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- Darkwing Duck:The Return of Mighty Ducks (2025 film)
- Deck em’ up
- Deep Sea 3D (2025 film)
- Donald Duck:The Return Of Mighty Ducks (2025 film)
- Donald's Happy Birthday (2025 film)
- Asterix and Obelix: One Thousand and One Nights (2025 film)
- Chicken Run:The Chicken Pies Adventure (2025 film)
- Donald Duck: And The Wonderful Christmas Eve (2025 film)
- Iznogoud (2025 film)
- Lady and the Tramp:The summer country (2025 film)
- Peter Pan And Chaptian Hook (2025 film)
- SpongeBob SquarePants: In The Dragon's Kingdom (2025 film)
- The Adventures of Roger Rabbit (2025 film)
- The Adventures of Tintin: The Blue Oranges (2025 film)
- The Wizard Of Oz (2025 film)
- Wallace and Gromit: The Comic Book Adventure (2025 film)
- Ducktales:The Lost Merry Christmas (2025 film)
- Ducktales:The Return of Mighty Ducks (2025 film)
- On New Adventures With Winnie The Pooh:Ghosthouses (2025 film)
- On New Adventures With Winnie The Pooh:The abyssb (2025 film)
- On New Adventures With Winnie The Pooh:The Return of Kingdom (2025 film)
- On New Adventures With Winnie The Pooh:The Time Machine The Collector (2025 film)
- Open Season:The Lost King of The Beast (2025 film)
- Scout and Friends (upcoming film)
- Scout and Friends (upcoming film)/Gallery
- Scout and Friends (upcoming film)/soundtrack
- Seabert The Movie (2025 film)
- Shiloh & Bros: The Movie (2025 animated film)
- Shrek:The Lost Cat of Kings (2025 film)
- Shrek:The Return of Halloween (2025 film)
- Super Smash Bros.
- The Animaniacs Movie
- The Aristocats The Movie: The feared Chocolate Cartel (2025 film)
- The Aristocats The Movie:and the Dial of Destiny (2025 film)
- The Aristocats:The Lost Christmas (2025 film)
- The Aristocats:The Lost Return of Edgar (2025 film)
- The Crossover Movie (2025)
- The Doodland Movie
- The Jungle Book:The Lost Shere Krahn (2025 film)
- The Land Before Time (2025 film)
- The Land Before Time:Happy Birthday To You (2025 film)
- The Land Before Time:The Lost Crocodile Collector (2025 film)
- The Land Before Time:The Lost Waterfalls (2025 film)
- The Lego Movie:The Lost Treasure (2025 film)
- The Lego Ninjago Movie:The Lost China (2025 film)
- The Lorax:The Lost Musicial (2025 film)
- The Lord of The Rings:The Nightmare Before Trolls (2025 film)
- The Magic Sword Quest For Camelot (2025 film)
- The Powerpuff Girls: Sugar, Spice, & Everything Nice
- The Simpsons:The Lost Bloodhoney (2025 film)
- The Smurfs:The Lost Woods (2025 film)
- The Super Mario Bros Movie:The Lost Dragon (2025 film)
- The ugly Duckling (Illumination)
- The ugly Duckling (Pixar)
- Tom & Jerry 2 (film, 2025)
- Toy Story The Musical (2025 film)