Bibleman is a 2028 live-action Christian superhero action-comedy film directed by Jon Erwin, who previously directed the 2023 film, Jesus Revolution, which is made by Kingdom Story Company, one of the companies who made the Bibleman movie. This film is based on the 1995 live-action television series of the same name and also the 2016 animated television series, Bibleman: The Animated Adventures, which is made by P23 Entertainment, one of the film’s companies. It is rated PG-13 for mild violence and some thematic elements. It was released in theaters on September 1, 2028. The film is distributed by Lionsgate.
After Josh Carpenter and his friends get in a car accident, the Holy Spirit was able to make them heal, but now they have superpowers related to the Word of God. Now with his shield of faith, belt of truth, sword of the spirit, breastplate of righteousness, and helmet of salvation, Josh Carpenter, now known as Bibleman, must stop a supervillain named Luxor Spawndroth from destroying God’s Word.
Ed Helms as Josh Carpenter/Bibleman, the main protagonist of the film, gets superpowers from the Holy Spirit after getting in a car accident
Alison Brie as Lia Martin/Biblegirl, the secondary protagonist of the film, one of Bibleman’s sidekicks and also Bibleman’s best friend
Scott Mescudi as Kerry Turner "K.T."/Cypher, the third protagonist of the film, Bibleman’s communications & tech guy
Mckenna Grace as Mel Oshea/Melody, the fourth protagonist of the film, another one of Bibleman’s sidekicks and the Bible lesson teacher for the children of the city
Vin Diesel as Luxor Spawndroth, the main antagonist of the film, Bibleman’s new nemesis and the master of disobedience
Parents guide[]
Main article: Bibleman (2028 live-action Christian film)/Parents guide