Battle for Dream Island: The Movie is an upcoming 2021 animated reality comedy-adventure YouTube film based on the animated YouTube web series Battle for Dream Island. The film will be animated with 3D Models of the characters in the BFDI Franchise. and will be animated with blender, with a live action style.
Firey is an average flame living in his own house, but one day, when he's watching TV, a television commercial of Dream Island appears on the screen. Firey is interested in going on a vacation at Dream Island, so he packs his bags, and goes on a flight to Dream Island where he meets Leafy and other anthropomorphic objects that will be competing on a battle for Dream Island. Meanwhile, Leafy's evil clone, a red leaf named Evil Leafy, is planning to steal Dream Island and cancel the competition, so Firey and his friends must save Dream Island before it gets stolen.